Monday, June 22, 2015

Horses and an electric fence

I went to a Father's Day get together yesterday. There were dogs, barn cats, horses. Even though I'm slightly afraid of horses I did take jeans and shoes in case I wanted to ride. I petted the horses, talked to the horses, let the horses nuzzle my head, went into riding arena but didn't ride. 🐥  My niece rode and scared the crap out of me when she brought the horse over close to me. I could just imagine the hoofs landing on my flipflopped feet. One time I backed up and felt a "pinch" on the back of my leg. Oh yeah, the fence is electrified. It just surprised me more than anything.

Good day! Even when I was asked where my infection is (in front of the group of people).  Ha ha! Took a deep breath "Well, I have an infected tissue expander..."

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