Monday, June 1, 2015

Bone scan

I was just looking a bone scan images online. Almost made myself sick with worry. Been feeling uneasy since my nap earlier. I dreamed that a young girl I know died of cancer & I couldn't believe it because she looked so healthy. Then my mom got a call from her friend who was treated for ovarian cancer & it has come back or spread. Makes me want to curl up and hibernate.
Waiting for results is so hard. I always feel very alone. I don't even like telling people I'm having scans done.

Day went like this:
6:30am: mom wakes me up saying "Did you oversleep it's 7:40!" No, it's 6:32! She accidentally got up an hour early.

7:30am: I rush upstairs to suck down some coffee before 7:45 since I'm not allowed to eat or drink after that time.

9:00am: at hospital checking in

9:15am: bone density test

9:30am: nurse accesses my port with no problem, woohoo! Tech injects radioactive tracer for bone scan

10:00am: drink berry contrast
10:30am: drink more contrast

11:30am: CT scan, abd & pelvis
Noon: lunch

1:30pm: bone scan (trying not to laugh as I can see my mom out of the corner of my eye and I keep thinking about funny things like "shadoobie" and "that bird did his business on my front porch").

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