I usually don't take long to get ready in the morning...usually. With 3 drains it becomes more of an ordeal. Here are the steps I take:
1. Take all 3 out of pockets attached to camisole & make sure all tubes are going out the front.
2. Put lanyard around neck and thru camisole; attach safety pins on drains to lanyard so they don't fall & pull out (OUCH!).
3. Step out of camisole.
4. Take off gauze/tape around drain insertion sites & spray with Bactine to numb them a bit. Pulling the paper tape off hurts in the areas where I'm not numb.
5. Strip drain tubes and empty bulbs. Record amount.
6. Take all 3 "passengers" (drains) into the shower & be careful while reaching for shampoo.
7. Step out and pat incision areas dry. Dry off "passengers".
8. Pull up camisole; take off dripping wet lanyard; insert drains back into their respective pockets.
9. Cut slit in small gauze square and apply antibiotic ointment to gauze. This fits around drain tube and covers painful irritated area. More paper tape. I do this for all 3 drain sites.
10. Pull camisole up over shoulders, put on another shirt over it. Ready to go! ( Ha ha! Ready to go take a nap...).
It is much easier than last time because my range of motion is so much better. I think I pinned the drains to my shirt last time and that works fine also.
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