Monday, August 11, 2014

Lat dorsi flap

Along with the lat dorsi muscle that was tunneled under my skin and around to my chest the surgeon also took an area of skin from my back. This was for added coverage because my skin was so thin on my chest. It's a small area in the middle where my nipple would be normally. Almost a triangular piece of skin. I took the paper tape off the incision two days ago and there's a area that hasn't healed well yet. I'm worried about that so I'm glad I see the PS again tomorrow so she can take a look. They like using the lat flap because of the ability to keep the blood supply intact. I don't really have any pain under my arm where the muscle was tunneled to the front (sounds ickier than it actually is!).

My other side had a skin & nipple sparing mastectomy so at least I got to keep something! :-)

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