Saturday, August 9, 2014

Feeling good!

I've been feeling pretty good the past few days. I hurt a rib while sitting in a chair on the deck last night. No idea what happened. Ha ha! That's still painful...but that's what I've got Norco for!
I'm a pro at stripping and emptying my drains. The are called JP (Jackson-Pratt) drains and work by suction. The bulb on the end fills with fluid and I have to strip the plastic tube to prevent clots from forming. Then I open the bulb to pour the fluid into a measuring cup; squeeze the bulb and plug it to create the suction vacuum. I then record the amount. I do this for each of the 3 drains.
I cannot wait to have them removed! The total 24 hr volume has to get to 25ml or less. Today's was still over 85mls.

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