Friday, April 3, 2015

Love, Loss, And What I Wore.

Lately things made me think of that book written & illustrated by Ilene Beckerman. She describes how clothes are often tied to our memories, good or bad. I remember the shirt I wore to chemo. I remember the shirt I wore the first time I rode in a Porsche 914. And the daring clothes I wore to Cecilia's. I remember what my friend was wearing when the towers fell on 9/11. I remember the halter I was wearing on a visit to see a boy in Fort Collins. I remember what I was wearing one glorious day in the dunes at the beach when the wind blew sand in our ears and the Coast Guard kept flying over. I think of the skater's Ravers Suck shirt and his red racing suit.
Then I think of eyes and smiles and people I miss so much it hurts.

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