Thursday, April 30, 2015

A grenade like Hazel Grace?

In the book The Fault in Our Stars the main character, Hazel Grace, compares herself to a grenade. She doesn't want people to get hurt when she dies. She doesn't want people scarred by the shrapnel.
I am a grenade. I'm doing fine now but there's always that chance that things can change quickly. After all, my oncologist said it's not "if" but "when". It makes more sense to me by thinking this way. It helps me to understand the people who want to stay away. Maybe they just don't want to get burned.

I see the PS tomorrow morning to figure out a new plan. I hope I won't have to wait 6 more months. 

Last year on April 30 I was in my Wilderness first responder class. I'm still thinking about taking the WFR to EMT bridge class.

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