Monday, April 13, 2015

Arm, drain, & witch doctors

My arm was huge this morning. It's been doing ok. I had a PT appointment so she spent extra time on my lymph drainage and put in an extra wrap. She told me to look online to find out if there's something topical I can put on my red, swollen area. We were discussing that maybe it's not an infection. I did have fills every week for 3 weeks. Maybe that was too fast. She joked that I need to find a witch doctor.😄

I'm trying benedryl to see if it has any effect on the redness. I also put iodine on it. I think it looks better but what do I know.
Also taking ibuprofen 800mg (from when I had my uterus biopsy) to see if that reduces inflammation. Forgot & took it without food this morning. Not good.

I got excited this morning that my drain output was less than 10mls. Got home from PT and saw that the gauze covering drain site was wet. I had to cut another 2 inches off the tubing due to another hole. It's getting shorter and shorter. Pretty soon I'll have to pin the thing to my bra strap.

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