Wednesday, November 29, 2017


So another month passed and there I was at the cancer center. Checked in and noticed the waiting room was 3/4 full. Got called back into the infusion (chemo room) and waited til noon. Apparently there was an issue with insurance approval. So, if insurance said NO would I have been turned away?
It's so difficult to explain to people I know. How i wait with people who are receiving chemo and feel like an outsider because I look ok. I'm sitting in a chair not hooked up to an IV. I have my hair. While I hear someone having his port accessed for the first time & someone being told that she's not well enough for chemo.
So, I sit there for an hour and a half. I teared up at one point. I'm a veteran of the cancer shit & it hurts to see the newbies. 
Then we go to a room and my nurse is nice & funny. I really like my nurse! She said (while injecting) "It feels thicker than usual." 🙄😄

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