Monday, June 13, 2016

Our world today

I was taught in my criminal justice class on terrorism that it is a way to cause fear in groups of people, usually for political gain. It's difficult not to live in fear especially since 9/11. If we give in to that fear and become afraid to live our lives then the terrorists have won without even firing a shot or detonating a bomb.
We live in scary times. I try to constantly be aware of my surroundings. Watch the doors in a restaurant, watch the people in the movie theater. I have no problem with our 2nd amendment right. In fact, I wonder if sometimes the outcome could have been different if one person could have fired on "the bad guy".
The terrorists are not what scares me. I am scared by the ignorance of some of the American people. Our country is becoming more divided by those who are supposed to be in power. The hate spewing from the mouths of a few only feeds the ignorance. The scary thing? It's the fact that people don't think for themselves & then continue the hate.

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