Saturday, May 28, 2016

Brain CT

Since I couldn't have an MRI I had a CT yesterday. No contrast so no IV! Yay! No barium to drink. Scan took about 3 minutes. Results in 3-5 days. 
Reason for: I'm having vision issues. I saw an opthamalogist and my eyes are fine. In getting zig zaggy lines in my right eye and a grey film over my left. Both only happen occasionally but seem to be normal things. The zigs are an ocular or ophthalmic migraine & mostly happen in my right eye. The "grey curtain" could be from eye strain or something else. It's the scary one because when it happens I can't see out of my left eye. 

Edit: I couldn't have an MRI due to the fact that I'm carrying around a magnet in my left faux boob. Ha ha! My tissue expander has a magnet to mark the injection port so the doctor can locate it for a fill. I even have a card in my wallet that says No MRIs. But I've had one of my brain since I've had the expander in. Oops! Forgot and PCP wasn't aware. During the procedure it occurred to me that I had a magnet in there when I felt something move. It caused the expander to only rotate and not rip out of my chest like in my fears. :)

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