Monday, December 7, 2015

Path report

Surgeon called last Thurs with my pathology results. She said she removed a 5mm area that was cancerous. Didn't get clean margins because that's hard to do in the armpit area. She also removed 2 lymph nodes that weren't cancerous. So I think I have 0 lymph nodes in that area now.
I have questions for her during the follow up appt. Did that cancer just "pop" up in that area or did it start in a lymph node that was previously removed?
My right arm has blown up with lymphedema. That's a frustrating disappointment.
I've been playing phone tag with someone from the oncology financial office. I'm worried my Medicare/Medicaid won't cover the new injectable drug (Faslodex) because I've heard it's expensive. I'll be in a panic until I talk to her.

Incision and drain site incision

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