Saturday, March 28, 2015


I am one who likes gross things. A science nerd.🔬 A vet tech who regularly ate lunch while observing a surgery. A vet tech who laughed at maggot jokes while picking maggots off a dogs butt. One who gathered around to watch the opening of an abscess or an exploratory surgery. Well, I almost met my match yesterday!
Warning: "yuckiness" follows...;-)

The grenade/bulb part of my drain had been collecting clotty looking yuck around the top where the fluid drains into the bulb. It wasn't clogging the tube but it bugged me so several times I folded the bulb upward to try to dislodge it. Normally I just have to leave it there until the thing is removed. Not a big deal. Yesterday for some reason, it plopped into the bottom of the bulb. Eww! It almost made me gag! Big blob of blood clot & tissue. I thought I'd be carrying it around in there until my appointment next Friday. Time to empty bulb, I gave it an extra squeeze and it came out. Whew! As I flushed it down I thought  "should have taken a pic..." 😸

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