Friday, November 18, 2016


I spend a lot of time going to movies. I prefer the "cheap" theater with the $5-6 movies. I prefer to go alone. I prefer to sit in the very back row because I like to keep an eye on people but many times I'm the only one there.
I was checking what movies were in at the cinema and saw one called "Christine". Checked the info and as soon as I saw the name Christine Chubbuck I knew I was going. See, I read about her a while back. She was a news reporter back in the 70s who committed suicide live on air. She read a news story & then said : "In keeping with Channel 40's policy of bringing you the latest in 'blood and guts', and in living color, you are going to see another first—attempted suicide." She then put a revolver to the back of her head and shot herself. Now, back in 1974 the news station didn't always record the broadcasts & the VCR wasn't available yet. But, just recently it was discovered that there is a tape of her final broadcast. The station owner's wife had it. It will never be shown. I'd watch. I watched Budd Dwyer. Turns out there is barely any footage of Christine doing her news show. When I was watching the movie I obviously knew the ending but oh, how I wanted to be there in 1974 to be her friend & to hug her. She was broken like so many of us are & after so many times of being let down sometimes it is impossible to mend.

There is also a movie called "Kate Plays Christine" that also was shown at Sundance. I haven't see it yet. Funny, two movies about Chubbuck at Sundance.
Budd Dwyer:
There is a video on YouTube showing him shoot himself. Very sad.

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