Thursday, October 6, 2016

Disability paperwork

I got a packet of forms from Social  Security while I was in the hospital. I had to fill them out so they can determine if I can continue to receive disability. It seriously took me hours to fill them out! I had to list medical personnel who know about my conditions over the last 12 months: name of clinic; name of Doctor; address, phone; first visit; last visit; upcoming visits; ER visits; hospitalizations. Whew! I did that for 4 doctors: oncologist, breast surgeon, primary care, plastic surgeon. I even put my physical therapist on there. Oh and I had to sign the form and have a witness who knows about my medical condition sign also. I asked my mom. :-)
Then I moved on to the medications section...I had to use an additional page for all of those.
Then I had to list a typical day's activities like get up, have coffee, shower, etc. they wanted to know about hobbies. There was a list of things like dressing, bathing, standing, walking that I had to check if I have problems doing them. I checked lifting with arms, concentration, memory, and a couple others. 
Do I use medical equipment such as canes, walkers, braces? I wrote about compression sleeves/garments.
In the work section I said I can no longer work with animals as I have for most of my life because of the risk of cellulitis & issues with lifting. 
Whew! Mailed the thing last night. I included the form about stage IV cancer and axillary lymph node removal.
I should have copied the pages from my planner for the past year. Been rather busy. Maybe I need a job down at the hospital. ;-)

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