Saturday, September 5, 2015

This week

Had appointment with infectious disease doctor on Wed. She sent me to have lab work done. I see her next on Oct. 14, the day before my antibiotics are done. Went there with BOTH arms wrapped as I had come from PT. Doc didn't even remark on it because she knows the PICC caused it in right arm!!
Had a call from oncology about a missed port flush appointment on Wed. Rescheduled for Thurs. They like to draw my blood a week before my doctor appointment (appt is on the 9th).
Went for inf dz blood draw on Fri. They couldn't find my vein at first. Sheesh!
Hemoglobin is either 10 or 11.3 depending on the lab. RBC, WBC, & hematocrit are still low. Neutrophil absolute was low this time.

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