Sunday, September 28, 2014


I saw the PS on Friday. I have an infection on the skin of my right "breast". I noticed it was getting red a couple of weeks ago and on Thurs night it was itching a bit near where the incision was. PS put me on Cipro and Doxy antibiotics. She said if it doesn't improve I may need IV antibiotics. Worst case scenario would be removal of the expander. I see her again on Tues. She drew around the reddened area with a marker so I could see if the redness was spreading.
She removed 60mls of saline from the expander and relieved some of the pressure.
The pain on the left side is getting better. Now it comes and goes but hasn't bothered me in a couple of nights. I've decided it's a muscle spasm because it feels like a cramp and when I lay on my back it goes away instantly.

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