Thursday, January 30, 2014

Punching bag

I finally bought a punching bag! I've wanted one for a long time. It's inflatable and I had to add water to the base so it will rock back upright after being punched. I need to give it a name because as I was beating it up today it tried to fight back and whacked me in the forehead! Ha ha!
This thing is almost as awesome as the Chillow!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


My oncologist did research about how turmeric and black pepper help fight cancer stem cells:

Monday, January 27, 2014

Jesse Brisendine

I discovered Jesse Brisendine while reading an article about Paul Walker. Jesse and Paul were good friends.

He is a very inspiring person and I love reading his blog posts, Facebook posts, and tweets.

Looking into the benefits of ginger, cayenne & turmeric.

I have been taking a homemade cough syrup every night. It has:
1 T. Apple cider vinegar
2 T. Water
1-2 T. Honey
1/4 t. Ginger powder
1/4 t. Cayenne pepper powder

I've also been putting ginger and cayenne into my green tea.

I'm going to add turmeric to my "health shot" as soon as I purchase some.

All of these ingredients have health benefits. I'll do some research and post about them.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Mmm...barium smoothie

I had to drink a "tasty" berry flavored barium "smoothie" this morning before my CT scan. Then when I arrived at the hospital I was given the same flavor choices: banana, berry, coffee. Had to drink another bottle. 

I put the numbing cream on my port site BEFORE I went today. At least I can have control over that part of it! Ha ha!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

CT and oncologist appointment

I had another CT scan of my chest on Jan.2 and then a doctor's appointment on Jan. 8. The scan showed no changes, just that same scarring in my lungs. I told the doctor about my fatigue/depression/feeling crappy all the time. She said my hemoglobin is low. She also ordered another CT on Jan. 16. to check my abdomen and pelvis. I have some tasty berry flavored barium to drink this time. I also had more blood drawn for a test called a CA-125 which is some sort of a tumor marker test. I'll have to do research on it and post later.
I bought iron supplements to boost the hemoglobin (I joke that it should be called hemoGOBLIN!) and red blood cells.
I bought magnesium supplements because I read that helps with hot flashes. I bought folic acid because I heard that helps with...uh...something.