Monday, October 29, 2012

Treatment #3

Sitting in the chair listening to someone's tv blasting Divorce Court. Otherwise quiet in here today. Only 3 patients.
I've had my anti-nausea drip and the steroids. Currently receiving 1st chemo drug.
I'm starving....

Always anxious that the numbing cream won't work and I'll feel the needle poke. I have to put the numbing cream over the port site an hour before treatment and then cover it with saran wrap to keep it in place.

Very glad I don't feel like I need to wear the wig here.

Friday, October 5, 2012


My hair is falling out. I wasn't sure how it would happen, if it would be a sudden thing like clumps of hair just falling off or blowing away. I noticed it first in the shower after washing my hair. While rinsing I felt something "crawl" down my back and legs and land by the drain. Then I had hair wrapped around my fingers and then I realized I could just tug on it or run my hands through it and end up with a handful of hair. I've been pulling it out all week. I have probably left hair all over the city. I'm getting to the point where I should shave it because it's getting thin.
Went for a wig today at the Women's Health Boutique. The American Cancer Society has wig banks that offer free wigs and the Women's Health Boutique is part of the program. Sara, one of the fitter's there was very nice and helpful. She brought out several wigs for me to try and answered any questions I had. She tried to match my hair color and length. I decided on a short light brown wig of human hair that looks very similar to my hair (except for the feathering which my hair would never do!). I also got to pick out some free hats. It's nice that people make hats to donate to the program.